Marsis provides approved low pressure based water mist system in accordance with IMO-SOLAS rules. The system is a fixed water based fire protection system that discharges a fine spray of small water droplets. Water mist systems propel water through a specially designed nozzle, breaking the water up into hundreds micro droplets which produce the mist
Machinery Spaces Water Mist System
Low pressure based water mist system is designed and installed to protect on special category areas, such as engine room, pump room etc with dry pipe design principle according to IMO MSC Cİrc. 1165 and/or part authorizes or classification rules.
- Local Application System
Local application system is designed and installed to protect on local equipment such as main engines, aux engines, boiler, incinerator etc. with dry pipe design principle according to IMO MSC Circ. 1387 and/or part authorizes or classification rules.
- Automatic Low Pressure Water Mist System for Accommodation
Accommodation low pressure water mist system is designed and installed to protect on accommodation and service areas with wet pipe design principle according to IMO MSC Resolution 265 and/or part authorizes/classification rules.
- Vehicle Deck Drencher System
Vehicle deck area system designed and installed to protect on open or closed car deck areas in accordance with IMO MSC 1430 and/or flag authorizes/classification rules. The aim of car deck area system is to prevent spreading fire to other zones or compartments, also system intended to prevent the radiant heat from spreading and cool down protected surfaces.
”Fixed Gas
Marsis provides gas fire fighting system based on Total Flooding System principle in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 2001, “Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System”, and IMO-SOLAS.
- FM200
FM200 gas system designed and installed to protect on special category areas, such as engine room, pump room and control rooms according to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 2001, “Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System”, and IMO-SOLAS. System working effectivelt by 80% heat absooption and 20% chemical reaction. Gas discharged into protected area within 10 seconds and suppress the fire immediately. FM200 gas system mainly prefered for military vessels.
- FK-5-1-12
FK-5-1-12 gas system designed and installed to protect on special category areas, such as engine room, pump room and control rooms according to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 2001, “Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System”, and IMO-SOLAS. System working effectivelt by heat absooption by creating mixtur with air. GAs discharged into protected area within 10 seconds and suppress the fire immediately. FK-5-1-12 Gas System mainly prefered for commercial project.
Kitchen Fire Extinguishing Systems
- R102
R102 system protects ducts, plenums and cooking equipments. System Works automatically or manually. The system is also capable of shutting down appliances at system actuation. For appliance shutdown requirements, refer to the current version of NFPA 17A, “Standard For Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems,” and NFPA 96, “Standard For Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations
Fire Alarm
and Detection System
Marsis provide approved fire alarm and detection system in accordance with IMO-SOLAS rules. System is used for identify fire zone with heat and smoke detectors. System easily controllable on panels.System can be designed addressable or conventional system